Programming Languages
Programming Languages reviewed. See also Languages ToDo.Paradigm-categories:
- Actor - The term for a paradigm of programming which models computations with concurrent (possibly transparently-distributed) entities, the Actors, that communicate with asynchronous messages; Actors may update their behaviour depending on the messages they receive
- Collection-Oriented - aka data parallel: the term for a paradigm of programming that involves operations on entire collections and avoids loops
- concatenative - The term for a sub-paradigm of programming in which function composition is rendered syntactically as concatenation (composition, juxtaposition) of symbols by means of a composition operator, usually rendered as a blank space
- Concurrency-Oriented - A term describing a programming language paradigm where independent parts of the problem can be represented as independent computations
- Constraints - The term for a paradigm related to logic or declarative programming, where information is specified as a constraint on the result, and the evaluator's task is to use this information to limit the search space that some base set of algorithms would ordinarily have traversed to find the answer
- Declarative - The term for a paradigm of programming where the specification allows for a great deal of freedom in acheiving results as specified; we say that a declarative program specifies the "what" of the result, but not the "how"; programming languages which encourage this style of programming are termed declarative, and specifically include the logic and functional paradigms, to varying degrees
- Functional - The term for a paradigm of programming that originates in the early works about lambda calculus: computations consist in evaluating/expanding structured expressions, rather than executing instructions, as with imperative programming
- Imperative - The term for a paradigm of programming that involves (mostly unconstrained) update of the state of a machine through direct instructions
- Logic - The term for a paradigm of programming that originates in the Curry-Howard Isomorphism, which relates types and proofs to terms and expressions
- Object-Oriented - A paradigm of programming
- prototype-based - A term describing an object-oriented sub-paradigm, which contrast class-based
- Relational - The term for a paradigm of programming where relationships between objects are formalized as Relation objects
There is the nearly-separate topic of domain-specific languages, and that of combining languages.
Language Indices:
- A Dictionary of Programming Languages
- From the WWW Virtual Library
- From Yahoo
- From the Open Directory Project (dmoz).
- Advanced Programming Languages.
- Add more here.
- The weblog LtU, an interesting place for those interested in programming languages.
- From MIT.
- An essay on the growing importance of scripting languages, by the creator of TCL.
- Add more here.
Language Implementation Issues
- Mark Leone's great pages on programming language research with a bibliography.
- Computer Science Bibliography Collection.
- The Reinventing Computing project.
- Publications at Rice.
- Luca Cardelli's work.
- ALI Home Page, Architecture & Language Implementation.
- Functional Programming Resources.
- The Encyclopedia of Computer Languages, an interactive historical roster of computer languages by Diarmuid Pigott: .. It consists of a 7818-strong database of languages, complete with 16335 bibliographic records, as well as links, reviews, samples and commentary where possible. .. (2004-10-01).
All languages:
- Whitespace - An obfuscation programming language with only a few operations that uses whitespace characters for its set of expressions
- 3d-visulan - 3d-visulan is a 3D programming language
- 4dl - 4dl is a programming language
- `c - aka tick C, a programming language, is an ANSI C extension for run-time code generation
- A+ - A collection-oriented programming language, dialect of APL
- Aardappel - A programming language created by Wouter van Oortmerssen which explores the idea of concurrent tree space transformation, a kind of rewriting linear logic
- ABCL - ABCL (An object-Based Concurrent Language) is a family of programming languages developed by A. Yonezawa and his lab for "object-oriented concurrent programming"
- Ada - A programming language
- Agora - A prototype-based object-oriented programming language à la Self that is used to explore reflective features (notably mixin?s)
- AKL - AGENTS Kernel Language, a concurrent constraints programming language
- AL - The Animation Language, a programming language (an extension of Scheme) for 3D modeling and animation
- Alan - Adventure LANguage system, an authoring/programming language for writing text adventures
- Aldor - From its home-page:
- Aleph - A multi-threaded functional programming language with OOP and dynamic symbol binding support
- ALF - A programming language which combines functional and logic techniques
- Algae - A programming language for numerical analysis
- Algol - An early procedural programming language whose lexical scoping and structured programming style and syntax have been inherited by nearly every procedural language in existence
- Alice - A functional programming language extended from Standard ML with support for concurrent, distributed, and constraints programming
- Alma - A strongly-typed imperative programming language with constraints and quantifiers
- Amiga E - An object-oriented/procedural?/unpure functional/whatever programming language with quite a popular implementation on the AmigaOS
- AML - Array Manipulation Language (AML), an algebra for multidimensional array data which is useful in designing array-oriented (collection-oriented) operators in programming languages
- APL - A collection-oriented programming language
- Argh! - Argh! is a esoteric? programming language
- ASF+SDF - The ASF+SDF project is now ASF+SDF Meta-Environment or simply the Meta-Environment
- AspectJ - The original "deployment" of aspect-oriented programming for an existing programming language, Java, using specialized extensions to Java's syntax, by the original experimenters who worked in Lisp
- Awk - From its FAQ:
- Axiom - A general purpose Computer Algebra system useful for research and development of mathematical algorithms; it defines a strongly typed, mathematically correct type hierarchy; it has a programming language and a built-in compiler
- BASIC - A Programming Language designed at Dartmouth College in 1964 to teach introductory programming
- Befreak - Befreak is a two-dimensional reversible programming language
- Beta - An OO programming language from those who invented Simula
- Better Scheme - A programming language dialect of the Scheme (still within the Lisp family of course), by Jeffery Walker, that better supports a functional nature, is more consistent and optimizable
- bigwig - A programming language for developing interactive Web services
- Bla - A functional programming language with first-class environments
- BOBJ - An algebraic specification and programming language member of the
- Boo - Boo is a OO statically typed programming language for the Common Language Infrastructure with a python inspired syntax
- Brain - A purely object-oriented prototype-based programming language
- C language - The most common modern systems programming language to date, by Brian Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie (K&R); also the topic for the C language family
- C# - Pronounced "C-Sharp", this is Microsoft's statically-typed C language family member intended to be an "evolution of C and C++" which Microsoft says is "simple, modern, type safe, and object-oriented
- C++ - C++ is an attempt to turn the C language into a high level, object-oriented programming language
- C-- - A portable assembly programming language, hence also a concrete VM; it is significant in being a variant of the C language that is much easier to generate code for, but it is not a sub or superset of C, however
- CafeOBJ - The nearly immediate ancestor of Maude in the OBJ Family, a rewriting
- CAL - CAL is a dataflow? actor programming language
- Cayenne - A variant of the Haskell lazy functional programming language with dependent types
- Cecil - A prototype-based object-oriented programming language developed at the University of Washington
- Cedar - Developed at Xerox PARC labs, the programming language Cedar was a superset of Mesa?, adding garbage collection, dynamic types and a universal pointer type
- Cel - An object-oriented prototype-based programming language based on Self and Smalltalk
- Charity - A lazy higher-order functional programming language based on the concepts of category theory
- Claire - A multi-paradigm programming language, supporting logic, functional, imperative, object-oriented and collection-oriented (set-based) programming styles, with few simple and well-understood concepts, such as objects, functions, rules and versioning for building search trees
- Clarity - A functional schematic programming language made for research into generating programs from diagram representations
- Clean - A general-purpose, concurrent, higher-order, pure and lazy functional programming language for the development of sequential, parallel and distributed real world applications
- CLIPS - An acronym for C Language Integrated Production System; a programming language and an environment to development expert system?s with three different programming paradigms: rule-based (declarative), object-oriented and procedural (imperative)
- CLOS - The Common Lisp Object System, an object-oriented programming language embedded in and somewhat integrated into Common Lisp
- Cobol - An acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language, a very old programming language
- Coconut - Coconut is COde CONstructing User Tool, a new declarative programming language, for writing real-time imaging software for MRI
- Common Lisp - A very powerful but somewhat messy dialect of the Lisp programming language
- Confluence - A programming language for synchronous reactive system design which combines the component-based methodologies of Verilog? and VHDL with the expressiveness of higher-order functional programming; it can generate digital logic for an FPGA or ASIC? platform, or C code for hard real-time software
- Coq - An higher-order proof system based on the Curry-Howard isomorphism between propositions and types, proofs and terms in a pure functional programming language: a functional term is a proof of its type's realizability
- CRML - A compile-time relfective variant of the ML programming language published here
- Cryptol - A programming language (specifically a DSL, apparently on top of Haskell) for cryptographic applications, currently developed by Galois Connections
- Curry - A functional logic programming language with many implementations
- Cw - Cw aka C-omega, is Microsoft Research's experimental programming language featuring asynchronous concurrency (formerly, Polyphonic C#) and XML data types (Xen)
- Cyclone - Cyclone is a programming language, a Safe Dialect of the C language
- D - A programming language of the C language family, successor to C Language and C++
- Demeter - Another (like AspectJ) extension of the Java programming language to support aspect-oriented programming and "adaptive" programming
- DHARMI - High level spatial, tinker-toy like programming language who's components are transparently administered by a background process called the Habitat
- DML - An acronym for Dependent ML, a conservative extension of the functional programming language ML with a type system enriched with a restricted form of dependent types
- Domain-Specific Language - The term for a programming language designed for a special purpose, usually within some commercial field of application, although such a language can be made for practically any domain
- Dreme - A distributed dialect of the Scheme programming language, described in Dreme: for Life in the Net
- Dylan - An object-oriented DYnamic LANguage, that aims at being compiled as efficiently as statically-compiled programming languages, while providing an unequaled development environment
- Dynamo - A logic programming language based on dynamic predicate logic
- E - An object-oriented programming language that takes a Java-like syntax and builds a pervasively capability-based protection system with eventual message-sending and transparent distribution of objects
- Eden - A parallel functional programming language
- Eidola - From its home page (see below):
- Eiffel - Eiffel is a programming language created by Bertrand Meyer to be object-oriented; it introduced the now semi-popular idea of "Design By Contract", where the semantics of a method are declared to fulfill certain constraints if certain constraints are met by the method caller
- Elegant - An acronym for Exploiting Lazy Evaluation for the Grammar Attributes of Non-Terminals, a full imperative programming language by Philips Research, which has been inspired by abstraction mechanisms found in modern functional languages, started as a compiler generator based on attributed grammars
- Ellie - A fine-grained object-oriented distributed programming language that abstracts inheritance, object-creation, and invocation into one mechanism
- Epigram - A functional programming language with Dependent Types
- Erlang - Erlang is a distributed, fault-tolerant, concurrent functional programming language developed by Ericsson
- Escher - "Escher is a declarative, general-purpose programming language which integrates the best features of both functional and logic programming languages
- EuLisp - (European Lisp), is a modern object-oriented dialect of the Lisp programming language whose design is less minimalist than that of Scheme but less constrained by compatibility reasons than Common Lisp
- Euphoria - The main page of states that Euphoria is "a programming language that's powerful, easy to learn, and a lot more fun than other languages
- Factor - A concatenative programming language
- FALCON - Fast Array Language COmputatioN, a collection-oriented programming language
- False - A very cryptic but very pure Forth type programming language by Wouter van Oortmerssen with anonymous function blocks
- FDScript - "FramerD script", a lightweight dialect of the Scheme programming language at with linear continuations, distributed computation, Unicode support, and non-hygienic macros
- Felix - A higher-order functional programming language, written in Ocaml, which compiles to and integrates with (embeds in) C++
- FISh - Its name cames from a slogan: Functional = Imperative + Shape
- Flua - Flua is an experimental Forth-like programming language, built on top of Lua, C language, and Nasm, at
- Forth - A low-level functional programming language, mostly concatenative, with imperative features, for a stack-based VM model, invented by Chuck Moore
- Fortran - One of the first programming languages
- FreshML - A variant of the ML functional programming language which adds a metaprogramming facility related to higher-order abstract syntax
- fx - A family of programming languages (FX-87 FX-91 uFX) based on Scheme
- fxm - FiXMe, an implementation of an anonymous programming language close to BCPL? with a simple functional core isomorphic to Scheme
- GDL - GNU Data Language a free incremental compiler compatible with the IDL (Interactive Data Language) programming language
- Gema - A general purpose macroprocessor programming language
- Glee - From its home page (see below):
- Godiva - An acronym for GOal-DIrected jaVA, a programming language which extends Java whith additional built-in data types, higher level (collection-oriented) operators, goal-directed expression evaluation (as in Icon), and pattern-matching on strings
- Goedel - From its home page (see below):
- Gont - From its home page (see below):
- Goo - A newer dialect of the Lisp family of programming languages
- Groovy - Groovy is an agile? programming language
- Guile - The GNU project's Scheme-like embeddable extension programming language dialect of Lisp
- Hardware description language - In electronics, a HDL (an acronym for hardware description language) is any language from a class of computer languages for formal description of electronic circuits
- Haskell - Haskell is the reference among pure lazy functional programming languages
- Hermes - A programming language for the construction of highly reliable, large-scale distributed systems; one of the first secure, imperative languages, it features threads, relational tables, typestate checking, capability-based access, dynamic configuration: … Hermes uses typestate in a powerful way that eliminates the need for garbage collection
- Heron - An imperative programming language
- Hobbit - An object-oriented and functional programming language extensible and feature rich
- Hume - (Higher-order Unified Meta-Environment) is a strongly typed, mostly-functional programming language with an integrated tool set for developing, proving and assessing concurrent, safety-critical systems
- Icon - A high-level, general-purpose, imperative programming language with backtracking and many features for processing data structures and character strings
- Io - A small prototype-based object-oriented programming language, mostly inspired by Smalltalk (all values are objects), Self, NewtonScript? and Act1? (prototype-based differential inheritance, actors and futures for concurrency), Lisp (code is a runtime inspectable/modifiable tree) and Lua (small, embeddable)
- J - A propretary collection-oriented programming language descendent of APL
- Janus - A concurrent constraints programming language
- Java - Java is a strongly- and statically-typed procedural, garbage-collected object-oriented programming language with syntax like that of the C language released by Sun Microsystems as a platform for hardware-independent applications, but only in a very limited sense
- JoCaml - A functional programming language in the ML family of dialects that supports the Join Calculus
- Jolt - Jolt is a programming language
- Joy - A programming language based on functional semantics using concatenative syntax; concatenation composes functions and data
- K - K, by Arthur Whitney, is a propretary collection-oriented programming language (see also its companion Kdb, a DBMS written in K) descendant of APL and A+ with some
- Kaleidoscope - A constraints imperative object-oriented programming language
- Kevo - A Forth-like concatenative prototype-based object-oriented programming language by Antero Taivalsaari
- kew - A Scheme-like object-oriented programming language with SmallTalk syntax, closures and collections
- Kiev - Kiev is a programming language with a prolog-like engine, multimethods, parametrized types, closures, arithmetic types, type states and cases
- Kipple - Kipple is an esoteric? programming language
- Kogut - Kogut is a programming language
- Lambda Prolog - An extension of the Prolog logic programming language to support simply-typed lambda expressions and some higher-order quantification
- Lava - An experimental component-, pattern- and object-oriented programming language with parameterized ("virtual") types; the Lava programming environment (LavaPE) supports refactoring and provides a user interface with syntax-sensitive point-and-click style structure editors instead of text editors for program editing
- Lemon - Lemon is a functional programming language based on typed lambda calculus with inductive and coinductive types
- LENS - An object-oriented programming language based on mixin inheritance semantics, object-based inheritance, and late binding at, or see also its FTP area
- Libra - A Lazy Interpreter of Binary Relational Algebra, a programming language described from the author Barry Dwyer's home page, written in Prolog
- LIFE - From CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository:
- Limbo - The distributed systems programming language of Inferno
- Linda - Linda is a programming language from David Gelernter at Yale for parallel programming
- Lisp - The family of functional programming languages inspired by John McCarthy's original notation for computations, later becoming Lisp 1.5, MacLisp, InterLisp, and some of the more modern implementations
- LOGO - LOGO is a programming language, dialect of Lisp, developed as a tool for learning
- LoI - LoI is an acronym for "Language of Interaction"
- LUA - Lua is an embeddable programming language library to extend your programs, with the idea of offering only a few "meta-mechanisms" for creating domain-specific languages to give flexibility
- M4 - m4 is a powerful (Turing-equivalent, unlike CPP) macro-expansion
- Mathematica - Mathematica is a scientific calculation package, which contains a Computer Algebra System, developed by Wolfram Research
- Maude - A reflective equational rewrite logic programming language in the OBJ Family of executable specification languages
- Mercury - Mercury is a logic programming language more declarative than Prolog
- MetaML - A higher-order extension of the ML functional programming language for staged metaprogramming, implemented on SML/NJ at OGI university
- Mica - Formerly known as Poe/Cool++, a rewrite/refactoring/revisiting in C++ of the persistent-object shared-programmer MOO-like system CoolMUD
- Mila - Mila is a programming language
- ML - An acronym for Meta Language (originally for the theorem prover LCF) is a class of non-lazy, statically-typed, statically-compiled, pattern-matching functional programming languages
- Moby - A class-based object-oriented programming language with support for higher-order concurrency
- Modula-2 - A programming language successor of Pascal, also designed by Prof
- Modula-3 - Modula-3 is the successor of Modula-2+, itself an evolution of Prof
- Moostrap - An acronym for Mini Object-Oriented System Towards Reflective Architectures for Programming: a prototype-based object-oriented programming language with behavioral reflection
- Morphe - A constraints-based object-oriented programming language supporting situated knowledge
- Mozart/Oz - A two-layered system, consisting of:
- MultiJava - MultiJava is an extension to the Java programming language that adds open classes and symmetric multiple dispatch
- MUMPS - MUMPS is a general purpose (special adaptations for database use especially for sparse arrays) programming language developed in the mid 1960s at Massachusets General Hospital for medical database applications such as Admission/Discharge/Tracking
- Napier88 - Napier88 is a reflective programming language and system with orthogonal persistence from University of St Andrews
- NCL - Natural Constraint Language
- Needle - An object-oriented functional programming language with static typing with type inference, multiple-dispatch, parametrized modules, and optional keyword arguments
- NESL - A collection-oriented parallel functional programming language
- NetCLOS - A portable concurrent actor extension of the object-oriented programming language CLOS, itself an extension of Common Lisp
- NeXeme - A programming language, a distributed Scheme based on Nexus
- NIAL - An acronym for Nested Interactive Array Language, a collection-oriented programming language
- O'Haskell - A conservative extension of the functional programming language Haskell, providing better subtyping and direct support for monads
- Oberon - (now system 3, with the older V4 still available) is the latest modular OO programming language by Nicklaus Wirth (the author of Pascal and Modula-2)
- Obix - Obix is a programming language
- OBJ Family - From the homepage (see below), Introduction:
- OBJ3 - An algebraic specification and programming language member of the OBJ Family
- Objective-C - An object-oriented programming language variant of the C language
- Obliq - A distributed object-oriented programming language by Luca Cardelli, implemented on Modula-3
- OCAML - Objective CAML, the object-oriented, concurrent variation of the ML functional programming language
- Opal - The Opal project, yet another distributed single (wide) address space (SAS) OS with page-level protection, implemented on top of Mach on Alphas
- OpenC++ - OpenC++, aka OpenCPP, is a programming language, a version of C++
- OpenJava - OpenJava is an extensible programming language based on Java, with a
- Orca - Orca is a programming language for distributed computing, codeveloped with the Amoeba distributed OS
- Otto - Otto e Mezzo, aka 8 1/2, is a collection-oriented programming language
- Pascal - Pascal was a toy programming language written by Professor Nicklaus Wirth to teach how to compile computer languages on small machines of the early 1970's
- Path - An esoteric? programming language that combines the simplicity of Brainfuck? with the fun of Befunge?
- Perfect - A commercial proprietary programming language from EscherTech that involves programming by contract
- Perl - As the name "Practical Extraction and Report Language" coins out, Perl is a
- Phantom - A programming language for distributed programmming
- PHP - The "Visual Basic" of open source
- Piccola - From its home page (see below):
- Pike - The programming language formerly known as uLPC, supporting multiple paradigms, including functional, object-oriented, and aspect-oriented programming
- Pilot - Acronym for Programmed Inquiry, Learning, Or Teaching language
- Pizza - An extension to the Java programming language supporting generics, first-class functions, and algebraic data types with pattern-matching
- PJ - An acronym for Pictorial Janus, a visual concurrent constraints programming language based on Janus
- PL/I - In short, PL/I is a crazy old programming language
- Pliant - A Free reflective programming language and environment
- Pluk - Pluk is a programming language
- Plurix - An integrated environment (OS/programming language combination) based on Java with a custom native code compiler for x86, an orthogonal persistent Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) for PC clusters, with a consistency model based on restartable transactions coupled with an optimistic synchronization scheme
- POP - A family of programming languages: POP-1, POP-2, POP-10, POP-11, POP++, POP-9X, POPLOG
- POP-11 - A programming language in the POP family
- Poplog - An integrated, interactive, multi-language (see Combining Languages) software development environment, providing incremental compilers for several powerful programming languages: POP-11, PROLOG, Common Lisp and Standard ML
- PostScript - PostScript, is a programming language designed to express vector graphic computations for laser printers to render pages
- Prolog - Programming in logic is a programming language based on Horn-Clause logic (not even full first-order logic)
- Prothon - Prothon is a prototype-based programming language based on Python
- Python - Python is an object-oriented, strictly, dynamically typed, lexically-scoped programming language
- Q - An eQuational functional programming language based on term rewrite
- Q shell - An unmaintained collection-oriented programming language built for a dissertation which was designed for both compilation to C++ as well as interactive use as a Unix shell
- Qi - A functional programming language that is a mix of Common Lisp and Prolog
- R - A collection-oriented programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics
- Ravi - An open platform for applications constructed from source modules, dynamically loaded into a shell and written in different programming languages (currently supported are C, C++, Scheme, Prolog, and an OPS-style production system language)
- RbCl - From its home-page:
- Real-Time Maude - A programming language and tool, based on Maude, supporting the formal specification and analysis of real-time and hybrid systems, with an execution environment for a real-time extension of the Actor model
- REBOL - REBOL (Relative Expression-Based Object Language) is a programming language
- REFAL - REFAL REcursive Functions Algorithmic Language, an AI programming language by Valentin F. Turchin
- RELFUN - The RELational-FUNctional programming language
- REXX - A programming language, by Mike Cowlishaw, that has had some success as a scripting language and/or glue for various functionality among OS/2 and Amiga users
- RPG - Report Program Generator, a family (RPG, RPG II, RPG III, RPG IV, RPG/400) of business oriented programming languages popular on IBM? minicomputers, the System/3X series (S/34, S/36, S/38) of the late '70s - early '80s and successor series, the AS/400
- RPL - RPL ("Reverse Polish LISP") is the programming language from HP 28/48
- RPL/2 - A programming language derived from RPL
- Ruby - A interpreted object-oriented programming language based on the concepts of Smalltalk while being oriented to command-line processing almost exclusively, so it has a terse punctuation-style syntax with libraries centered around text-processing and Unix shell functionality
- SAC - SAC, or Single-Assignment C, is a collection-oriented functional programming language with the C language's syntax, especially designed for highly optimized parallel intensive numerical computations
- Salsa - An acronym for Simple Actor Language and System Architecture: a distributed actor-based programming language with syntax similar to Java's, while also running on the JVM platform
- Sather - Sather is an object-oriented programming language
- Scala - A statically-typed object-oriented and functional programming language based on classes and traits-based mixin composition from the object side, and higher-order functions, local type inference, and pattern-matching from the functional side
- Scheme - Scheme is a functional programming language, dialect of Lisp with two distinguishing features: it is small and tries to be clean
- Screamer - From General Screamer Information:
- Sebyla - Sebyla is a C#-like programming language using capability principles
- SED - Stream EDitor - a stream-oriented? non-interactive text editor and programming language
- Self - A pure prototype-based Object-Oriented programming language in the Smalltalk family, based on very simple concepts which allow efficient implementations
- SETL - A set-based (collection-oriented) programming language
- Sheep - A programming language by Wouter van Oortmerssen
- Sigil - Sigil - Simplicity Itself Generates Interesting Languages - interpreted object-oriented programming language
- Simkin - Simkin is a simple interpreted programming language that can be placed within data files, including XML or within databases
- Simula - SIMULA was the first object-oriented programming language
- Sina - A concurrent object-oriented programming language demonstrating the Composition Filters Object Model (CFOM), developed at the University of Twente
- Sisal - Sisal is a pure functional programming language that beats FORTRAN
- Slate - An object-oriented programming language based on Smalltalk syntax, prototype-based object system, and multi-method dispatch, by Brian T. Rice and Lee Salzman
- Small C - Small C is a C language subset, a minimal programming language
- Smalltalk - Smalltalk is a class-based OO programming language
- SNUSP - An esoteric? programming language, a Path reversion
- Socrates - Socrates is a programming language embedded in PLT Scheme, which extends predicate dispatching with aspect-oriented programming features
- SPARCL - From its home page (see below):
- SR - A programming language designed for writing concurrent and possibly distributed programs
- Stacker - A Forth-like programming language used as a demonstration on how to develop for LLVM
- Stella language - A strongly typed Lisp-dialect: a programming language with Lisp-style symbolic programming with delivery in Common Lisp, C++ and Java
- Stratego - Stratego is a programming language for program transformation through rewrite rules
- TCL - TCL is a logically challenged interpreted
- TOM - An object-oriented programming language similar to Objective-C with multiple inheritance and metaprogramming capabilities
- Tps - An acronym for Tiny/Transportable Postscript, a Postscript-like programming language with all of the graphics operators removed and Heterogeneous State Transportability: the ability to interrupt-migrate-resume a computation (even on a different machine architecture/OS) conceived to programming Agents
- TXL - An hybrid functional / rule-based programming language with unification, implied iteration and deep pattern-matching specifically designed to support computer software analysis and source code transformation tasks
- Unicon - A very high level, goal-directed, object-oriented, general purpose programming language, the Unified Extended Dialect of Icon
- Universal Binary Format - A programming language for transporting and describing complex data structures across a network (aka marshalling)
- Unlambda - unlambda is a torture of a programming language invented by David Madore
- Upper/Mute - See David Krauss's home page which links to, at last up and running (previous and google's cached page seem to work no longer)
- Vault - A programming language of the C language family for security research
- Visual BASIC - A Microsoft Programming Language favored by developers for its ease of use (often billed as Rapid Application Development or RAD capabilities)
- Visula - Visula? is a visual? programming language
- Xanadu language - An imperative programming language with dependent types
- XL - The programming language for the Mozart framework
- XY - A concatenative programming language
- Zpl - A collection-oriented programming language, with an Algol-like syntax, designed for fast execution on both sequential and parallel computers; it compiles to ANSI C with calls to the user's choice of communication library, including that based on the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard
- {log} - A set-oriented (collection-oriented) programming language
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