This is a placeholder page for Uncategorized resources. Anything listed here is probably here due to a lack in the existing topics rather than something intrinsic to the page.- ADATE - Presently Uncategorized, Automatic Design of Algorithms Through Evolution (ADATE) is a system for automatic programming (inductive inference of algorithms)
- class-based - Describe class-based here
- Computer Algebra System - Uncategorized: the topic for systems which provide the means to deal with mathematical concepts computationally at various levels of abstraction
- Lego - Presently uncategorized
- Perspegrity - From its home page (see below): Project goals: to develop theory and software for creating on-line collaborations tools that, through structuring information and interaction, encourage reflection, multiple-perspectives, critical thinking, transparency, authenticity, cognitive empathy, and meta-cognition, at three levels of communication: rhetorical (consumer-producer communication), dialogic (open dialog), and communal (for synthesis and decision-making)
Debate (below the line) is encouraged on where best to put these and how to rearrange things generally
In my opinion, in general for information organization and retrieval systems, the right approach is not to set up preconceived categories and try to shoehorn everything into those categories, but to use dynamic clustering based on "soft" (natural content) and "hard" (specially assigned) keywords. If somebody wants a toplevel menu, you just list the major clusters, and use their most significant keywords as the "name" of the category shown in the menu.
A topic map may be a simple way of indentifying 'hub' topics with lots of links. I saw one on another wiki somewhere. Maybe near http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?GraphWiki but that wasn't it. It looked more like the semantic web activity map-thing on w3c (done in SVG)
Of course identifying key topics/documents based on their links goes back to the old citation indexes you used to find in the Uni library. Google uses links for its ranking. The same sort of thing.
Pages in this topic: ADATE class-based Computer Algebra System Lego Perspegrity
Also linked from: index