A free, self-hosted, cross-platform Smalltalk-80 system with a dynamic multimedia focus.- Squeak.Org
- The Squeak Swiki
- The Squeak Foundation: Squeak's non-profit official entity.
- SqueakMap: an online catalog and installation management system for Squeak published packages.
- Alice a Squeak project for intuitive 3d authoring.
- #Squeak IRC channel on the FreeNode network. Clog's #squeak logs.
- Aspects - a Squeak AOP extension.
- (MIA Compositewiki - xanadu/Smalltalk/Squeak/SmallScript?/wiki.
- Croquet and Croquet Swiki page.
- DVS - a lightweight system for packaging and versioning Squeak code.
- SPE - "Squeak Pda Environment" aka Dynapad.
- Etoys.
- Faure - a Squeak PDA environment for iPaqs etc.
- Harvesting tables.
- Iscream - a Squeak audio chat program.
- J3 - the current JITter DynamicTranslation VM project.
- Magma - a Squeak persistence object database.
- Mathmorphs - Squeak/Morphic/mathematics.
- Morphic - a direct-manipulation? user interface to programming objects.
- Nebraska - share desktops remotely, a toolkit for building remote interactions with Morphic in Squeak.
- Ned konz - the author of Connectors and the Squeak Spread plugin.
- Netmorph - network-enabled Morphic, a minor variation on Nebraska?.
- Npsqueak - Netscape Plugin Squeak. And http://isgwww.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/~raab/squeak.html
- Perspectives - a Squeak AOP extension.
- Replugin - regular expressions plugin.
- Rolodex - a Morphic rolodex tutorial using direct manipulation?.
- Rst - Remote SmallTalk, a system for transparent handling of remote objects in Squeak.
- Scan - the Squeak Comprehensive Archive Network.
- Seaside - a web applications development framework.
- Smallsqueak.
- Spiccola - a Piccola implementation in Squeak.
- Sqfixes - an automatically-compiled list of code posted to the mailing list.
- Sqim - a SQueak Instant Messenger? client, aka I Squeak You.
- Sqirc - SQueak enhanced IRC client.
- SqLisp - Lisp for Squeak.
- SqProlog - Prolog for Squeak.
- Sqrb - SQueak Refactoring Browser. And http://www.charm.net/~arning/Refactoring%20current/.
- Squat - Craig Latta's ultra-minimal Squeak image with remote development capabilities.
- Squeak book.
- Squeak ebnf.
- Cetus links.
- links.
- Squeak mlist - and http://www.egroups.com/group/squeak/.
- Squeak ref.
- Squeak swiki.
- Minnow.
- Squeak-thor - an object/store persistence mechanism for Squeak.
- Squeakdoc.
- (MIA) Squeakdot - a collaborative web site based on a multi-user Squeak session with sandboxing.
- SqueakDev - a Squeak mailing list?. And news://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.smalltalk.squeak.general.
- Squeakintro - interactive Squeak introduction.
- Squeaklet - a Squeak applet.
- Squeaknos - Squeak / No Operating System.
- Squeakos - Squeak In One Disk.
- SqueakSIMS - Water's Squeak Simulator of Interactive Mobile Sentients.
- Squeakspace - Squeak tools, documentation archive, swiki mirror, free webspace for squeak'ers.
- Squeamish - a Squeak AOL? instant messenger? client.
- Squeampiler - an retargetable optimizing compiler backend for Squeak by Lee Salzman.
- Superswiki.
- Svi - Squeak VI.
- Swiki - Wiki in Squeak, a CoWeb: web-based collaborative space, based on WikiWiki?. And http://pbl.cc.gatech.edu:8080/myswiki.1.
- T-time - a Squeak-based platform for massive P2P? collaboration in 3D spaces.
- Tags.
- Traits - a method for composing mixins safely and transparently into classes.
- Vmmaker.
- Whisker - a object-oriented stacking code browser.
- Xpswiki - a web tool for eXtreme Programming teams?, written in Squeak, based on Swiki?.
- Zurgle.
- Bob's ui - a data-entry UI widget? set for Morphic.
- Bob's SuperSwiki - the preeminant SuperSwiki.
- Ken's squeaking.
- Muswiki - a Swiki?-like system which uses Morphic objects instead of HTML?.
- Nublue - "Squeak Open Personal Computing and Multimedia" by Guzdial and Rose.
- Prefab - a Morphic UI widget? set and builder for Squeak modeled after Tk?.
- Squeak list.
- Squeak - a self-hosted implementation of Smalltalk-80 - "The Open Source Mouse That Roars!".
- ThingLab - and http://www.2share.com/thinglab/ThingLab%20-%20index.html.
- Unix squeak.
This page is linked from: E Haskell Methods of Reflection Morphic PL 101 Smalltalk Squeak VM